03 September 2015

Back-to-School With a Math About Me Project

I love getting to know my new students every year.
As a beginning of the year getting to know you activity 

The kids had great fun and loved working on the project.
They took turns and presented their poster to the class for a
Speaking and Listening grade too!

I had all of the poster on display for our Curriculum Night, a couple of weeks into school.
The parents really liked them too.
Here is the bulletin board outside my classroom where I hung a few,

and here are some of the rest.

They were such a hit that I also created a project for the end of a place value unit.

Here are some of my favorites from the project.

Both files come with student directions and grading rubrics.  They make great project with which to decorate your classroom or display at the beginning of the year and get the kids off to a great creative start.

You can grab both of these files from my TPT store by clicking on the images.


  1. What a fun, meaningful way to get kids writing, speaking, and thinking about math! And their posters turned out SO cute!

  2. I love the idea of having them make posters about different math concepts. The math about me is a great way to get to know students at the beginning of the year in a fun and unique way!!

    Mrs. 3rd Grade 

  3. These posters are so fun! I love the way so many math concepts can be incorporated.

    Crockett's Classroom . . . Forever in Third Grade
