12 July 2015

Student Spotlight - Recognizing Each Student in Your Classroom

It's still July and many of us teachers don't want to think of going back to school (just yet)! But for some of us (including myself) my modified traditional school begins THIS WEEK! I know I'm dying over here too! I go back this week for training, meet my 2nd graders on Thursday and then school begins Monday, July 20th! AHHHHHHHHH! 

One thing that I have been prepping for these last few weeks is my spotlight student activity that I do weekly for the entire year. I love to organize it now, that way I don't have to worry about it throughout the year. I wanted to share what I do to prepare for this easy activity to save teachers time with back to school to-do list!

First thing depending on what grade level you teach you need to decide what you want to do as a spotlight for your students. I choose to do one student a week. On Monday of each week they bring in their All About Me poster and share it with the class. We then hang it on our spotlight bulletin board for the entire week. This student is my teacher helper all week. That way they get to be noticed for being a good helper and who doesn't love that?

On Friday as a fast finisher for the weekly assessments I give, my students write a friendly letter to our spotlight student! I then bind the letters together with the bright cover and give them this with their poster to take home. Parents and children love reading these adorable letters and they love that you take time to do something extra special for each child in your class. 

I believe you can do a student spotlight for all grade levels. I went ahead and found some adorable ideas from Pinterest for other ways to showcase each of your students in your class. Find a way that fits your style and plan it out so its ready to go on day one!


  1. Oh my goodness, how is your giant googly-eyed monster?!?
    Love these ideas, Ashlyn!
    Students - just like adults - love to be recognized!
    xo Pam
    Hedgehog Reader

  2. Oops - and I left out the word CUTE!!!
    How CUTE is your giant googly-eyed monster!

  3. Love this Ashlyn!! Love seeing the cute pictures from your classroom too!

  4. What a fun idea!! I LOVE that you have your students write letters to your student of the week too! What a fun way to show them affirmations too!!

    Mrs. 3rd Grade 
