28 June 2015

Mindsets in the Classroom WRAP UP!

Are you ready? Let's do this! Mary Cay Ricci makes it infinitely clear that although we obviously cannot control many variables in our students' lives, we certainly possess the ability to make a meaningful impact on them in the classroom to inspire a growth mindset! We can conspire to inspire our students by encouraging them to reach small goals everyday to boost their confidence and grow their growth mindset muscles!  As we wrap up our book study we would like to thank you so much for joining us, and we hope you have enjoyed this Mindsets In the Classroom adventure! Below is a free poster for you to print and post near your work area in your classroom to remind you to help your kids soar!
Conspire to inspire growth mindset!

•Value effort, persistence, and perseverence
•Praise effort over intelligence
•Small goals & wins boost confidence
•School improvement plans should include growth mindset goals/focus
•School staff meetings should include growth mindset talk/focus
•Parent-Teacher conferences should include education/talk of growth mindset
•Classrooms should be non-threatening, and fear free of embarrassment from mistakes or failures - in fact they should be celebrated for evidence of trying and working hard to learn & grow!

Thanks again for reading with us this summer!


  1. Thank you so much for this book study. My school is just starting this process and your study will really help me lead my group.

  2. Wrap up: The thing I am taking away the most is that the growth mindset is beneficial for students and staff alike. It will provide challenging opportunities for my students and teach them the why behind it. I think it's super important to have my students understand that their brain is like a sponge, and it will forever grow and learn more with lots of practice.

    1. Our brains are sponges and muscles that grow with high expectations and practice!

  3. This is a great book!! I love that it is beneficial for all students, teachers, and parents. I love that growth mindset is simply seeing the positive and the potential in all of our students. I think it is so important that we teach our students that they need to persevere and continue working towards their goal. They need to learn that just because they aren't successful immediately doesn't mean they will never be successful and they should quit. We need to teach them to "stay the course" and find success at the end of their path.

    1. Perseverance is the key!! By students knowing their goals and charting their growth, students, parents, and teachers will see how changing our mindsets can only benefit us all!!

  4. www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/uploadedFiles/schools/rockyhillms/...

    This is a great rubric for students as they evaluate their own mindset!

  5. Wrap Up: I have taken so many valuable lessons from this book. It really is going to be all about the effort, persistence and motivation that we all contribute in addition to working with the students and families to encourage them to adopt a growth mindset.

  6. I loved this book study, enough said!!! Thank you for this opportunity! This has definitely changed my perspective on the way I think about my students, I talk to my students, and I interact with my students. It is definitely beneficial for teachers, students, and parents. Its beneficial for everyone in a community. I also agree with Gina, perseverance is the key! Thank you for this great book study!

  7. This book really made me think about my own personal mindset when given a challenge. I have been thinking about ways to not only implement a growth mindset in the classroom, but within my own personal life as well. Perseverance and the power of positivity can directly affect the outcome of whatever challenges we are presented with.

  8. This has been an amazing book study! It's made me really dig in and think about the way I see and perceive my students. I've gleaned many strategies that I look forward to using in my classroom. Above all perseverance and belief in themselves is something that I want my kids to learn from this 5th grade year!

  9. This was an awesome book that supplied us with data, research, knowledge, and strategies. It was an easy read with information that could totally be utilized and incorporated in the classroom. The book allowed me to reflect on my existing practices of what I am already doing and what needs to be implemented. The take away ideas are amazing. This will help plant the seeds early in the year with our new community of students. Believe and you shall overcome.

  10. Wrap Up- my neurons are so excited and ready to think about new ways to encourage the growth mindset at CRE. I know that my teachers and staff have what it takes to change students' understanding of their brains and how learning grows the brain. This is going to be a great year!

  11. Great read!! I'm ready to implement and practice with students, as well as peers. I gained a new philosophy in teaching. Perseverance!!!

  12. I have learned so much from this read! I'm ready to pass on a new way of learning to my students this year and build confident learners ready for 2nd grade!.

  13. Thank you!!! I love this book! Seems so simple for something so powerful! May we always see the glass as half full!!!
