19 May 2015

Mystery Week

Mystery Week Title

A few years ago one of my team members came to us with the idea to do a mystery day as one of our theme days during the last week of school.  That has slowly evolved into an entire week of mystery themed activities.

This is how we decorated our doors to greet our classes on the first mystery day….

Mystery Door
We started each morning with the Mystery Box, a classic from Babbling Abby.  It was one of my very first TpT purchases and it is still a hit every year.

For reading, we started Encyclopedia Brown Cracks the Case.  Each day we work through 2 cases.  I read a case aloud and each kiddo has a “detective notebook,” to record clues in.  We bought small envelopes at Dollar Tree for each detective to keep their case files in.


For math we worked with Hands on Equations, because algebra is about finding the mystery number….see how I worked that in!

One of the afternoons we used science to solve a mystery with this amazing pack from TpT.  It was a huge hit and a definite keeper for next year’s Mystery Week!


Click HERE to check out this awesome product!

The culmination to our week is a Science Fair Mystery.  It’s like one of those dinner party mysteries.  The kids each get a part to act out and all the while you are trying to figure out who committed the crime!  We purchased ours from Dramatic Fanatic and it was worth every penny!  The kids love it every year!

We will wrap up our 2nd Annual Mystery Week tomorrow.  Each year it gets bigger and better and I can’t wait to see what next year will bring.

Have a great last few days or weeks!


  1. This looks like SUCH fun, Jennifer! What a terrific way to keep the kids engaged at the end of the year, all the while continuing with purposeful learning! Yay! :o)

  2. What a fun way to keep the kids working the last week of school, but having fun at the same time!! I will have to think about this for next year!!

    Mrs. 3rd Grade 
