19 April 2015

I'm In a DAZE

Spring is in the air, and my mind is thinking about DIBELS.  I am in charge of coordinating the DIBELS testing at my school, so I dream of acronyms such as EOY and DORF at night (#TrueStory).
One test for third grade students is called DAZE.  The kids have to read a passage and use their context clues to choose a missing word every so often.  The kids are given three words from which to choose.  One big concern about this test was that it was not formatted like anything they had probably ever seen before.  The kids would have experience with fill in the blank and cloze passages, but they would not have seen multiple choice/fill in the blank passages.

Light bulb!  What if there were passages that were formatted like the DAZE passages so the kids would feel comfortable with they completed the real DAZE benchmark passages? And, what if those passages were non-fiction and incorporated retell?  It was the trifecta!

The passages are written in three levels for easy differentiation.  The first level is the passage only for straight comprehension.

 The second level is the passage with fill in the blanks and a word bank. 

 The third level is the DAZE where the kids choose from one word in each word box.

The second and third grade teachers at my school use the passages and LOVE them!

I have made seven different sets of DAZE passages, with biographies on famous scientists, explorers, presidents, and people that overcame adversity.  If you are interested in more information, please click on the picture below to head to my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  

Thank you so much for stopping by!  The ladies and I really appreciate your support. 

1 comment:

  1. What great practice for our kids - awesome idea, Carolyn! And you cover so many different areas that I can see where these could be integrated into any number of units all year long! XO
